Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Spring Gallery Walk Postcard

I found this gem at a local coffee house. It, as you can tell, is for a Spring Gallery Walk. I'm guessing, it's going to be like bar hopping, except instead of walking from bar to bar, you are going gallery to gallery.

First thing is first. What is with that drop shadow? They used a very thin swashy font that is hard enough to read on it's own, so they decided to make it "pop" with a dramatic drop shadow. What I would recommend, is to find a slightly bolder type face, or make the drop shadow a lot smaller and closer to the letters. See Below.
The next thing is the logo. The leading and alignment is all over the place. It looks like there is more space between "independent" and "galleries" than there is between "Bristol" and "independent". I would make sure that the leading is even, and make sure the lighter weight type is all aligned to the left. The letters in bold, I would make sure are all aligned to one side, or are centered. It may be difficult for the letter "i" to making things look even, so try finding a font where the letter "i" has arms. Possibly something serif.

Next up is the color. I am a HUGE fan of the color green. It's been my favorite for as long as I can remember, but the array of greens here looks a little, shall I say, sickly. I'm guessing since it's spring time, they were supposed to be spring green. I would get rid of the yellow-green gradient in the background and make it all one solid color, or if you really want the gradient, set it at a 45 degree angle and make it fade to a slightly darker color. I would then use no more than two different shades of a darker green, or even a dark grey green, for the logo and body text. I think that "Spring Gallery Walk" would be good as a brighter, not as dark green with a tiny hard drop shadow (if any at all) so it stands out. The logo, date and time would do well in the darker of the two greens, and make sure that everything is properly aligned.

Finally, I would do something with the thumbnails of the paintings. I think to make them pop a little more, I would add a medium sized white border around them and possibly make the document's margin a little smaller so the images can be spaced out, giving room for the border, and breathing room for the rest of the design elements.
